Work With Me

One-on-One Coaching

I am a certified life coach offering one-on-one coaching services to help individuals achieve their goals and make positive changes in their lives.

In these sessions, we work together to identify areas for growth and development, and create a customized plan to achieve them. I provide support, guidance, and accountability as my clients work towards their goals.

Life Analysis

I can help you with your life analysis by providing guidance, support, tools, and resources necessary, as you explore your options and make informed decisions about the changes you are looking for, in health, relationships, career, and personal.

In these sessions, we work together to identify areas for growth and development, and create a customized plan to achieve them.

Book a call with me for more information and personalized plan.

Balanced Body & Mind

You may be looking for a total reboot! I can help you achieve balance in your body and mind through a variety of strategies, such as developing healthy habits, prioritizing self-care, and finding ways to reduce stress and manage negative emotions.

By focusing on your physical and mental well-being, you can create a foundation for a happier, healthier, and more balanced life. 

We will explore all areas of your life in depth in my systematic approach.

If you are looking for a total reboot the Life of Your Dreams package may be best for you.

My Process

How does it all Work?

This is a quick overview of what working with me will look like. The details will vary a little bit depending on which packages you select.


Discovery Call

The first step in the coaching process is to identify what you want to achieve through coaching. This may involve setting specific, measurable, achievable goals, or working on self-confidence, mindfulness, relationships or other personal goals.


Digging Deep

When coaching begins we start to dig deep into identifying the underlying beliefs, values, and perspectives slowing you down. We develop a plan for mindfully overcoming these obstacles and take the first steps forward. 


Balanced Body & Mind

The final step in the coaching process is to put your plan into action. This may involve identifying resources and support systems, action steps and establishing accountability measures. We continue these steps until you are ready to fly solo.

Coaching Benefits

Areas of Focus

One-on-One Personalized services for clients anywhere in the world, to empower you to feel positive about your life, relationships, career and health. 


Take deliberate steps to improve your life so you can be the best version of you for yourself and those around you.

Mindful Living

Learn to live more mindfully and slow down to accomplish more. Take care of your mind, body and soul.

Life Goals and Dreams

Live life on your own terms by knowing exactly who you are and what you stand for. Dare to Dream in all areas of your life.

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

I’d love to share my experience to help you design the life of your dreams to reach your goals and live with more intent and purpose.

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